[Just FYI, your email client might truncate this message bc it has a lot of images.]
As 2022 draws to a close, I am thrilled to finally unveil a project I’ve been working on all year:
This is an archive of all 450+ trending topics I logged from Twitter’s “What’s happening” section this year. You can experience the whole thing as a calendar to poke around in, or as a timeline that will test your patience, and there’s a considered and thoughtful note about why I took on this project on the site’s front page.
But you are somehow still a BNet subscriber, and because of this, I know that you don’t want exhaustive and nuanced studies of the technology that shapes our lives. You just want the good shit — the raw, uncut, brain-frying muck.
So here are some of my favorite* internet moments of 2022.
This is less than 10% of the overall collection, so I encourage you to go to whatshappening.online and mess around with it. I hope you’ve enjoyed this trip down memory lane!